Monday, November 30, 2009

Reverence FHE Lesson

***If you're having trouble viewing/downloading/printing these lessons, feel free to email me at and I will email you the PDF files. *** 

This is one of those lessons that we have to use over and over again at our house and unfortunately  not just for the younger kids.
My kids adore the story, "Why Animals Can't Go to Primary" with its adorable flannel board figures and   the cute reverence puzzles are a fun activity in and of themselves for the younger kids.  The best part is, is that after the lesson they're always right on target for what reverence is all about.   


 I hope you're enjoying these Monday FHE lesson posts!   It's sure fun being able to share some of our favorite lessons with all of you! 

PS  You'll have to let me know if you have any topic requests and I'll see if I can help you out. 


Monday, November 23, 2009

Respect FHE Lesson

***If you're having trouble viewing/downloading/printing these lessons, feel free to email me at and I will email you the PDF files. ***

I'm not sure how many of you out there are really interested in these, but I feel somehow compelled to keep digitizing some of my favorite FHE lessons for as long as I can keep up with it.  Here's this week's installment.... 

I think respect encapsulates so many other character traits that we strive for, that I believe that this is a very important lesson for our children to learn at a young age. 

Of course, I also believe that respect is way too big of a concept to be taught in one lesson, but rather it should be lived on a day to day basis.  If our children see us treating them and others with respect, that lesson is far greater than any 20 minute long FHE lesson could ever be. 

I created this lesson in hopes that it would help parents to have a starting place for teaching their children about respect and why it is important.  Learning what respect means and learning specific examples of when and how they can be respectful is a great place to start.

Click here for more ready to print  FHE Lessons (with more to come every Monday).


Monday, November 16, 2009

Gratitude/Thanksgiving FHE Lesson

***If you're having trouble viewing/downloading/printing these lessons, feel free to email me at and I will email you the PDF files. ***

This lesson is also among our very favorites and a big part of our Thanksgiving traditions.

My kids have all loved the "Blessing House" puzzle and ask for it all year round. 

With the cornucopia, we talk about the pictures that come with it, then we give each of the kids slips of paper to write down (or draw) their own things they're grateful for them to add to the cornucopia.  It's become a fun tradition to read all of the slips on Thanksgiving day.

It's all set for you to print and cut.

Hope you enjoy it as much as we have!

Click here for more  FHE Lessons (with more to come every Monday). 


Monday, November 9, 2009

Repentance FHE Lesson

***If you're having trouble viewing/downloading/printing these lessons, feel free to email me at and I will email you the PDF files. ***

For those of you who know me well, know that I love Family Home Evening and everything about it. I spent three years of my life joining every FHE lesson exchange group I could find and in the process created and collected hundreds of lessons which I have filed into a tall filing cabinet (and beyond).

All these years later, we love these lessons even more than when I first made them. I love the fun visual aids that I've used for primary lessons, sharing times, and preschool and I love that it's made teaching the gospel to my kids (and for them to teach to each other) a more fun and rewarding task than I ever could have dreamed it to be.  Not that having FHE with a busy family of varying ages is easy, but the rewards are well worth the hours of effort.

Don't ask me why, but lately I've got this inexplicable urge to digitize a few of my favorite FHE lessons to make them easier to share with others. Here's my first one. I think you can scroll through it, print it, or download it straight from here.

I highly recommend printing it off onto heavy cardstock and laminating the visual aids to increase their durability (you can borrow my laminator if you live nearby). Storing it in a gallon size Ziploc or a manila envelope makes them easier to file and store. I put each section of the lesson in its own sheet protector or baggie to help keep it organized and easier to use as you teach.

I've used this lesson on Repentance (or parts of it) for FHE lessons, sharing times, and primary lessons and the visual aids and stories in here make it one my kids most favorite and memorable lessons ever.

You'll have to let me know what you think of this idea. Would you like me to share more of my lessons? Are you likely to use them? Any requests for topics?
