When I heard the I ♥ Faces theme for this week was wonder, I didn't have to think twice about which picture I would use. I just love this picture of Cami at the Grand Canyon and think it just epitomizes the very definition of WONDER!
**Special Note: Cami was never in any danger. There was solid ground just a few feet below that ledge.**

Perfectly epitomizes the very nature of awe.
One of my favorite pictures that you have ever taken.
Great job.
Love, Dad-Mom
Fabulous! I love it (and it makes me a little scared! ;))
Oh my gosh! I'm going to have a heart attack. I hope there was something under that cliff. Absolutely awesome (although nerve wracking) picture! :)
That is just AMAZING! Yeah, you can't go to the Grand Canyon and NOT have wonder there....
Geesh, this captures wonder perfectly! What a spectacular photo! What else can I say? Simply amazing!
Great shot! I do have to say it is making me freak out! lol! Move away from the edge!!!
As a mom who can't even stand to have her kids go near the open railings on the second floor of the mall...your photo is freaking me out!
But it's also making me feel a complete sense of awe and wonder. What an amazing capture and entry to this week's contest. Fantastic!
co-founder of I ♥ Faces
This photo took my breath away. Stunning.
awesome photo, i think you captured the theme perfectly!
that's awesome!
Amazing shot...kinda freaky though! It really shows wonder, great job!
wow , to scary for me . what a capture for a mom who gets nurvous up hight that was freaky .
fab fab fabulous! and my heart has to believe she is not so close to the edge. LOL freaks me out a bit. I'll admit it. LOL
I see everyone's as freaked out AND impressed with your picture as I am!! Incredible. And a great, great entry!
That is an amazing shot!! AMAZING!!
Did I mention amazing?
Holy Wow! That's scary even though I am sure there is something under that ledge...at least that is what I am telling myself.
very very wonderous indeed.
What an amazing picture! :-) My heart sort of flip-flopped to see her out there like that . . . but incredible picture - seriously i love it!
What an amazing shot! My favorite so far!
Wow! Incredible!
Melinda B
Ok, my knees are shaking as I am sitting here.This is an amazing shot.
Wow - amazing! What a fantastic shot. Bet that's quite a memory for her!
Love, love, love the photo!
I just LOVE this picture. It is perfect in every way. Was there something undeneath her? It did kind of give me a little heart attack : ).....
That's an awesome picture Lara! What an amazing shot!
WOW!!! Scary and AWESOME photo :)
It's perfect! Great picture!
Very cool! Love it.
This photo is amazing...although it makes my hands sweat from anxiety!
Wow my stomach dropped, lol,wow. the composition is great.
As one completely, totally, and desperately afraid of heights, all I can say is...
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! but yet a gorgeous picture!!
Can I reach out there and help her back from the ledge?! My dad would have heart failure viewing this one, like so many others who left comments! And that just means you captured a brilliant moment and there is no doubt about the wonder of it all!
WOW. Amazing shot! Makes my heart skip a beat looking at that ledge :), but what shot!
Beautiful shot of wonder but a little scary for my eyes!
Beautiful shot!
I love seeing all the people commenting on your picture Lara! It really is amazing! Tom keeps talking about how tall Cami looks in the picture. I told him she is actually pretty short. Am I right?
I've looked through 120 photos of wonder today, and this is my hands-down favorite! Awesome shot. I'm so jealous of your talent!
Wow. This is fabulous. It also is the scariest darn picture I've ever seen. Weren't you scared to death that she was going to fall?
that is fabulous
Great pic. As a mother, this picture freaks me out and I want to run over and pull her back from the edge! Yikes!
Beautiful, scary photo! Thanks for sharing!
Whoa, that picture takes my breath away. Great shot.
Great shot! (makes me scared looking at it though!)
Love that you put the def first, and great shot... it looks like a LONG drop, I would definitely not be standing so close to the edge, LOL.
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