Sunday, February 2, 2025

D&C / CHURCH HISTORY CFM Activity Sheet and Thoughts on D&C 6-9 (Feb 9)

 This blogpost features a half-sheet activity page to complement the Come Follow Me (CFM) reading for  February 3-9, which includes Doctrine and Covenants 6-9.    Click here for an index and links to my CFM blogposts for other weeks.

These activity sheets are designed to print double-sided and cut in half.  They're perfect for reviewing or introducing the content found in the Come, Follow Me reading each week and would be great used in a classroom or home setting.   I have no children at home, nor do I have a calling working with youth, so I copy these to be handed out with the sacrament programs each week.  Kids, teens, and adults enjoy them. 

THIS WEEK'S ACTIVITY SHEET LINK (in case it's not showing below)

My kids are all grown up now, but I still love learning what the new youth theme is for each year and the 2025 theme came from this week's CFM reading.

“Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not, fear not,”   Doctrine and Covenants 6:36

This year's theme was particularly meaningful for me, because there have been many times in my life when I've faced doubt and fear.   Cancer, epilepsy, job losses, moves, and other such trials have a tendency to do that! I used to worry that I might be wrong for experiencing those kind of negative emotions, but lately I've come to look at this scripture very differently.   Instead of an admonition to just grin and bear it because you know about the Savior, I now view it more like this painting. 

I love the imagery of Christ looking so tenderly at His child and I can just envision Him saying,

"Doubt not, little one, that I love you.   And fear not, for my love for you is unconditional.  Your life will not be easy, but look to me and feel my love."  

He doesn't chasten or judge us for being human.   Of course we will feel doubt and fear in our lives, but when we look to Him, there is one thing we never need to doubt--His love. 

Enjoy learning the gospel together.  💗

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