Saturday, September 16, 2023

NEW TESTAMENT CFM Teaching Resources and Ideas for Sept 25-Oct 1, 2023 {Galatians}

 This blogpost features some  resources and ideas to complement the Come Follow Me (CFM) reading for September 25 - October 1, 2023.    Click here for an index and links to my CFM blogposts for other weeks.


These 1/2 page activity sheets are designed to be printed double-sided and cut in half.  They're perfect to use as an introduction or review to a lesson in a primary or Sunday School class or in your family.  Our ward uses them as a handout along with the sacrament programs.  

 FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT OBJECT LESSON AND SNACK:  This link has a super fun idea for teaching about the fruits of the spirit {Galatians 5:22-23} and relating it to our daily lives.  I think this taste test and lesson would be a great attention getter in a classroom.    


"Enjoying the fruits of the gospel should not make us arrogant and aloof, but it should set us apart from the world in much of our conduct.

It is, perhaps, well in these times, when so many of the fundamental truths of the Restoration and the validity of the Lord’s work are being challenged, that we ask ourselves to what degree our conduct sets us apart and manifests the fruits of the gospel. In our homes and in our families, are we enjoying and qualifying for the love and support of family members? In our business dealings, are we fair and honest and prompt in meeting our obligations; is our word as good as our bond? Are our private and innermost thoughts free from the contaminations of the world? Do they reflect our absolute loyalty and fidelity to those with whom we have made eternal vows? Are we nourishing through prayer and a regular study of the Lord’s revealed truths the spiritual and moral strength which is required in today’s environment? In the entertainment and recreation we seek, are we keeping ourselves unspotted from the world and in harmony with the Lord’s holy Sabbath? Are we generous with our means and inclined to be serviceable to others? Do we acknowledge our faults and shortcomings and seek forgiveness from those whom we have wronged or offended?

Let me repeat again that those who do the Lord’s work demonstrate it by the fruits of their labors. Analyzing and criticizing others, either from a historical perspective or from what we may view of a contemporary life, will be of little consequence unless it balances with the Lord’s assessment.
"By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them," Dean Larsen, October 1985

"Sometimes the divine witness comes in the burning of the bosom (see Luke 24:32). On other occasions, the doctrine we hear is “delicious” to us, meaning it tastes good spiritually (see Alma 32:28). In other words, we do not need external evidence to verify these truths or logic to prove them — we just “know.”  

Paul defined other fruits of the Spirit as “joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith” (Galatians 5:22). When any of these virtues or impressions envelop our hearts or minds, it is a witness from God that what we are listening to, what we are feeling, is from Him. " 
"How Can We Teach Our Children to Recognize the Spirit?," Ted Callister, Church News, January 2021


Fruit of the Spirit:  Latter Day Kids

Family Night Fun:  Fruits of the Spirit


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