Tuesday, October 3, 2023

NEW TESTAMENT Come Follow Me Teaching Ideas and Resources for October 16-22 {1 and 2 Thessalonians}

 This blogpost features some  resources and ideas to complement the Come Follow Me (CFM) reading for October 16-22, 2023.    Click here for an index and links to my CFM blogposts for other weeks.


These 1/2 page activity sheets are designed to be printed double-sided and cut in half.  They're geared for ages 8-14, but littler kids love the coloring pages and older kids/kids at heart often enjoy the activities.  They're perfect to use as attention getters or as reviews in your classes or families.  Our ward hands them out along with the sacrament program each week.


I've included a couple personal pictures in this section, in case your family/class needs a visual cue to get the conversation started. 
Start by asking someone to tell about some time in their life when it was really loud (maybe a sporting event, a concert, or a party).   What was happening?  How did they feel?   There are no wrong answers...just listen to what they share.    
Now ask them about some time when it's been very quiet.   What was happening then?   How did they feel?  (it might be during a test at school, or late at night when everyone's sleeping, or whatever)    Again, just listen...

Now read,  1 Thessalonians 4:11:   "And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;"

  Now share a quiet experience you've had where you've intentionally set aside distractions in your life and felt closer to God.  Perhaps in the temple, or during your gospel study.   
Now talk a bit more about how we know that the Spirit speaks to us in a still, small voice.   And it doesn't have to be loud to our ears to be too loud to hear the Spirit.   Phones, books, games, etc can all make our environment spiritually noisy, so that it's much harder to hear the Spirit. 

Focus on the first part of the scripture again and ask them what they think it means to "Study to be quiet."   Sometimes it takes practice to put aside the spiritual noise that distracts us and, just like we practice to get better at sports or music, we should be practicing every day (even if it's only for 5-10 minutes) to be better at communicating with God.  


“The most effective way to preach the gospel is through example. If we live according to our beliefs, people will notice. If the countenance of Jesus Christ shines in our lives, if we are joyful and at peace with the world, people will want to know why. One of the greatest sermons ever pronounced on missionary work is this simple thought attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi: ‘Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words’" “Waiting on the Road to Damascus,” Dieter Uchtdorf,  May 2011

“Knowing that the gospel is true is the essence of a testimony. Consistently being true to the gospel is the essence of conversion. We should know the gospel is true and be true to the gospel” “Converted unto the Lord,” David A Bednar, Nov. 2012. 


2 Thessalonians 2 / A Prophecy of the Apostasy and Restoration  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsbNRs-yWvo

(NOTE:  This video is not written with an LDS audience in mind, but it is doctrinally sound and I do not hesitate to recommend it) 


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