Monday, October 2, 2023

NEW TESTAMENT CFM Teaching Ideas and Resources for October 9--15 {Philippians; Colossians}

 This blogpost features some  resources and ideas to complement the Come Follow Me (CFM) reading for October 9-15, 2023.    Click here for an index and links to my CFM blogposts for other weeks.


These 1/2 page activity sheets are designed to be printed double-sided and cut in half.  They're geared for ages 8-14, but littler kids love the coloring pages and older kids/kids at heart often enjoy the activities.  They're perfect to use as attention getters or as reviews in your classes or families.  Our ward hands them out along with the sacrament program each week.


Start off by telling your family/class that Philippians is known as the "GOSPEL OF ________."   Then  play a quick game of hangman to guess the word that goes in the blank, which is JOY.    If you have enough people in your group, assign each person a block of scriptures with a marking pen (or instructions on how to mark electronically) and have them find all the instances of the words JOY or REJOICE in Philippians.  I counted 16, but maybe you'll find some I missed???

Ask them what Paul had to be so joyful about?  Remind them that he was in prison while he wrote this letter.   Have them guess a few things, then, in a different color marking pen, have them mark (or show your already marked scriptures) all the times the words JESUS or CHRIST are mentioned.  I counted 39 times.   
Then bring it all together and talk about Paul was joyful because of Jesus!  


"My dear brothers and sisters, the joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.  When the focus of our lives is on God’s plan of salvation, which President Thomas S. Monson just taught us, and Jesus Christ and His gospel, we can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives. Joy comes from and because of Him. He is the source of all joy. We feel it at Christmastime when we sing, “Joy to the world, the Lord is come.”9 And we can feel it all year round. For Latter-day Saints, Jesus Christ is joy!"  "Joy and Spiritual Survival," Russell M. Nelson, October 2016

"If we look to the world and follow its formulas for happiness, we will never know joy. The unrighteous may experience any number of emotions and sensations, but they will never experience joy! Joy is a gift for the faithful. It is the gift that comes from intentionally trying to live a righteous life, as taught by Jesus Christ.

He taught us how to have joy. When we choose Heavenly Father to be our God and when we can feel the Savior’s Atonement working in our lives, we will be filled with joy. Every time we nurture our spouse and guide our children, every time we forgive someone or ask for forgiveness, we can feel joy."
  "Joy and Spiritual Survival," Russell M. Nelson, October 2016


I Can Do All Things Through Christ: 2023 Youth Theme:

Philippians 1-2:  Christ, My All in All
(Note:  This video was not created with an LDS audience in mind, however the content is great and I recommend just cutting it off about 30 seconds from the end when he starts asking for subscribers)


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