Wednesday, October 18, 2023

NEW TESTAMENT CFM Teaching Ideas and Resources for October 30 - November 5 {Hebrews 1-6}

This blogpost features some  resources and ideas to complement the Come Follow Me (CFM) reading for October 30 - November 5, 2023.    Click here for an index and links to my CFM blogposts for other weeks.


These 1/2 page activity sheets are designed to be printed double-sided and cut in half.  They're geared for ages 8-14, but littler kids love the coloring pages and older kids/kids at heart often enjoy the activities.  They're perfect to use as attention getters or as reviews in your classes or families.  Our ward hands them out along with the sacrament program each week.


ITEMS NEEDED:  tall clear glass, honey, milk (almond milk works great too), liquid dish soap, vegetable oil

Start off with a little discussion of "What's Better?" 

You can anywhere with cream vs. cake, football vs. soccer, red vs. blue, winter vs. summer, Lucky Charms vs. Captain Crunch, pancakes vs. waffles, strawberries vs. pineapple, etc.

It doesn't really matter what you compare and how they answer.  The point is that everyone will have their own opinions and that's okay.  After doing that for a minute, ask them their answer for this comparison:

Jesus vs. anyone/anything else in the world

Use their answer (which "Jesus" is the only with a truly right answer) to launch your discussion about the book of Hebrews.   

Read Hebrews 1: 1-4  and talk about how Jesus is perfect and is "above all"...even the angels. 
Now onto the OBJECT LESSON to illustrate this point.   Here's a little video I created to illustrate it (don't laugh!)

Object Lesson by Lara

Set the tall clear glass at the front of the class and pour in a couple tablespoons (no need to measure, but enough to partially fill the glass) of each ingredient in any order (honey, milk, colored liquid dish soap, and vegetable oil).   The ingredients will separate into layers, with the vegetable oil at the matter what order you add the ingredients. 

For fun, if you wish, you can even have a second glass to allow them to change the order of how you add the ingredients and show how the vegetable oil is always on top.  

Compare that vegetable oil to Jesus Christ and how His perfect life and love means that we should make Him the most important thing in our lives.  We need to make sure that we aren't letting distractions and other "good things" get in the way of making time to connect with God each day.   Jesus should always be on top! 


"True worship begins when our hearts are right before the Father and the Son. What is our heart condition today? Paradoxically, in order to have a healed and faithful heart, we must first allow it to break before the Lord. “Ye shall offer for a sacrifice unto me a broken heart and a contrite spirit,”7 the Lord declares. The result of sacrificing our heart, or our will, to the Lord is that we receive the spiritual guidance we need.

With a growing understanding of the Lord’s grace and mercy, we will find that our self-willed hearts begin to crack and break in gratitude. Then we reach for Him, yearning to yoke ourselves to the Only Begotten Son of God. In our brokenhearted reaching and yoking, we receive new hope and fresh guidance through the Holy Ghost.

I have struggled to banish the mortal desire to have things my way, eventually realizing that my way is oh so lacking, limited, and inferior to the way of Jesus Christ. “His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come.”Can we love Jesus Christ and His way more than we love ourselves and our own agenda?" 
"Yielding Our Hearts to God," Niell Marriott, October 2015

"For anyone today with pains so intense or so unique that you feel no one else could fully appreciate them, you may have a point. There may be no family member, friend, or priesthood leader—however sensitive and well-meaning each may be—who knows exactly what you are feeling or has the precise words to help you heal. But know this: there is One who understands perfectly what you are experiencing, who is “mightier than all the earth,” and who is “able to do exceeding abundantly above all that [you] ask or think.” The process will unfold in His way and on His schedule, but Christ stands ready always to heal every ounce and aspect of your agony."  "The Exquisite Gift of the Son," Matthew Holland, October 2020


Bible Project:  Book of Hebrews Summary:  A Complete Animated Overview (the first half is most applicable for this week)  (this video is not created for an LDS audience, but I found the doctrine sound and I found the summary very helpful for understanding a bit more about the Book of Hebrews)


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