Saturday, January 4, 2025

D & C / CHURCH HISTORY Come, Follow Me Activity Sheet for the Restoration (January 5)

Hi, it's me again. 

Long time, no see.   I still make these 1/2 page activity sheets to go with each Come, Follow Me lesson.  I pass them out to interested kids, teens, and adults each week along with the sacrament programs.  It didn't seem like they were generating much interest here on the blog, so I haven't taken the extra time it takes to share any for a while.   The people in my ward like them enough though, that I am going to try again.  

In addition to being great for a sacrament meeting activity, they're perfect for home use and introducing a CFM topic, as well for classroom use.   I switch off between word searches and crossword puzzles created from words and phrases from the CFM reading that week, so they're geared for kids that can read pretty well, so probably 8+ in age.    Many adults love them as well...especially when it's a word search week! 

Happy New Year!    

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