Monday, February 1, 2010

Friendship FHE Lesson

***If you're having trouble viewing/downloading/printing these lessons, feel free to email me at and I will email you the PDF files. *** 

 I picked this lesson topic in honor of Valentine's Day which is coming soon.

This lesson is for teaching your children the importance of choosing good friends and being a good friend.  I know I say this every week, but this is also one of our favorite lessons and I feel it is a very valuable concept for kids to learn.   Hope your Monday was much more relaxing than mine!  :)

Click here to see my other ready-to-print FHE lessons and come back every Monday for more! Next weeks' lesson will be Love At Home!

Friendship FHE Lesson


1 comment:

melissa said...

this is awesome! I would have understood though if you weren't able to post one but I do appreciate your sense of duty and have actually passed out your blog address to others as I have been sharing with others what awesome success we are having with FHE... seriously!

it was my husbands turn to teach tonight but I look forward to use this one when it's my turn!

thank you!